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About Dr. Jon

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My name is Jon and I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy living in Central New Jersey. I have been helping individuals recover from injury and reach their fitness goals for the past decade. I specialize in working with the fitness athlete, including high school athletes, runners, power and Olympic lifters and CrossFit enthusiasts. I also genuinely love to treat the non-active person with an injury and help inspire them to begin an exercise program for the first time. I feel so strongly that patients and clients need to be treated one at a time for at least an hour that I built my practice, Form Fix, around that principle. I am married, with 2 baby girls, and I enjoy exercising, writing, cooking, traveling and just being with my family. I also write for a Video Game Blog!




Doctor of Physical Therapy (PT, DPT)

Board Certified Doctor of Physical Therapy, graduating with honors from Rutgers University in 2012. Physical Therapists are experts in examining joint and soft tissue problems, evaluating the quality of movement and prescribing exercises. We are also trained in medical screening, eliminating the need to obtain a medical prescription prior to beginning PT.


Bachelor of Science: Exercise Physiology

Graduated with honors from William Paterson University in 2009. Exercise Physiologists are highly trained in developing exercise programs for individuals of all health and activity levels. We create programs that carefully balance strength, flexibility and cardiovascular training, specific to the needs of the individual. Taking into consideration the person as a whole, Exercise Physiologists also provide consultation regarding nutrition, sleep and stress to help anyone reach their goals.


Champion Performance Specialist (CP-S) Certified

Performance Specialists help restore, optimize and enhance athletic performance by assessing movement and building performance-based therapy and training programs. We are the individuals helping others to set a “Personal Record” for their Deadlift or run that 6-minute mile for the first time. 


Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Certified

This examination is considered by many to be the Gold Standard of movement assessment. Certified SFMA practitioners can analyze body mechanics and diagnosis strength and mobility impairments at each body segment. The exam is extremely powerful in identifying how impairments in one area are actually the cause of a problem at another.


Barbell Physio Fitness Athlete: Advanced Concepts

I help CrossFit Athletes, Olympic & Power Lifters and traditional Weight Lifters/Strength Training Athletes with the unique issues that they encounter including lifestyle integration, training program development and movement dysfunction. I help to create programs that facilitate hollow body holds, kipping, pull ups, muscle ups and hand stand progressions, as well as deadlifts, squats, bench press, cleans, snatches and overhead presses. 


Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certified

This certification is the Golf-specific version of the SFMA. We analyze the body mechanics of your swing to determine what biomechanical issues are holding the player back. From there, we can prescribe exercises to address these limitations, unlocking the full potential of the swing. The Titleist Performance Institute works with golfers of every level, from casual weekend player to PGA tour champions.


Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) Certified

In addition to my hands, I make use of a variety of tools to enhance manual therapy treatments. These treatments include Percussion Massage “Guns,” Cupping, and Stainless Steel instruments. The use of these instruments can lead to some absolutely spectacular results in terms of treating tight or “knotted” muscles and improving mobility.


Functional Movement Taping (FMT) Certified

Kinesiotaping is such a simple yet powerful method for treating impairment and enhancing performance. The tape offloads certain areas while also heightening awareness. The results are often amazing!



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